Serial Name: aiat bynat. � Directed by: Mazen Lutfi � The number of episodes of the series: Thirty. � Episode time: fifteen minutes. � About the series: Is a religious drama series, looking at the Koran by knowing the reasons for the descent of verses precious work dealt dramatically.
� Serial Name: Sfraa al moustafa. � setting, dialogue and presentation: zenate qudsia � Directed by: Mazen Lutfi � The number of episodes of the series: Thirty. � Episode time: fifteen minutes. � About the series: Is a religious drama series, talking about a group of companions, God bless them who stood next to the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and were ambassadors during the Islamic call and had a significant impact on the spread of the Islamic faith and uphold the word of God. The series is far from the complex, and simple in its dramatic, but deep content on religious, humanitarian and cultural level, which gives a whole episodes General and clear about the nature of the Islamic Dawa and mobility within the Arabian Peninsula and beyond image.
� Program Name: hints of faith. � Setup: Walid Badr Hamada. � Directed by: Mazen Lutfi � The number of episodes of the series: Thirty. � Episode time: ten minutes. � About the program: Ramadan is a program that includes some of the hadith assigned in addition to the special Ramadan prayer Add to commend the religious voice, one well-known singers in the Arab world in addition to the Quranic verse and signal the beginning and the end.
� Program Name: prayer and hope. � Setup and Output: Mazen Lutfi. � The number of episodes of the series: 25 episodes. � Episode time: ten minutes. � About the program: Ramadan is a program commensurate with the time of Iftar and containing the songs and prayer and supplication to God.
Nedal Alsuoaf